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IT Solutions For All is a non-profit NGO that seeks training in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for those people who lack the necessary knowledge to function comfortably in the technological world in which we find ourselves.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) sometimes referred to as news information and communication technologies (NICT) are a concept closely associated with computing. If the latter is understood as the set of resources, procedures and techniques used in the processing, storage and transmission of the information, this definition has been nuanced by ICTs, since, it is not enough to speak of a computer when referring to information processing. The Internet can be a part of that processing which may be carried out in a distributed and remote manner.



El apoyo de la Comisión Europea para la producción de esta publicación no constituye una aprobación del contenido, el cual refleja únicamente las opiniones de los autores, y la Comisión no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en la misma


Legal description – Creative Commons licensing: The materials published on the FLY project website are classified as Open Educational Resources' (OER) and can be freely (without permission of their creators): downloaded, used, reused, copied, adapted, and shared by users, with information about the source of their origin.