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Financial Literacy for Inclusion: the FLY proposal has been approved

On October 27th, the French Erasmus+ National Agency communicated the approval of the FLY – Financial Literacy for Inclusion proposal, under the KA2 Cooperation partnerships in adult education.

According to Global Attractiveness Index 2020 Financial literacy is highest between the ages of 35 and 44; it is low in people under the age of 35 and very low in adult low skilled (over 50). In addition, the OECD’s Principles and Good Practices for Financial Education and Awareness recommend that financial education must be available for all and should start as early as possible and be taught in schools.

On the basis of that, FLY’s objective is to create financial culture among adults low skilled engaging them in learning financial. Having a financial culture will help them to make positive choices for themselves and for society also from an environmental point of view. In the following two years FLY will sustain the development among adults low skilled of financial literacy, providing all citizens with some of the tools that are indispensable today to build a peaceful, safe and sustainable future for themselves, their families and the planet.

The FLY project tackles the European Commission's horizontal priority of addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity. Specifically:

1.    FLY will support active citizenship and ethics in lifelong learning.
2.    FLY will support the use of digital technologies in education of adults, learning, assessment and engagement.
3.    FLY promote new adult education opportunities, particularly for adults with a low level of skills, knowledge and competences.

FLY will be co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission and will last 24 months between 2021/23. The project has been submitted and will be implemented by a partnership of eight organisations from five European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and Turkey).
For further information about the project and its partners: https://fly-project.eu/ 

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