Financial advisory services are provided by a team of qualified professionals that provide advice on how to manage money and assets efficiently. Financial advisory services can include a whole range of individuals such as certified financial planners, wealth managers, investment advisors, and certified public accountants.
Specialised companies usually offer different types of advisory services:
What is the role of a financial advisor and why you need one? Click para leer
A financial advisor provides financial advice or guidance to customers for compensation.
A financial advisor can be a useful profile to contact in case you need advice about how to reach your financial goals, or simply need support to manage your finances.
An advisor can also inform about financial products, tax advantages, and insurance options.
When looking for an advisor, it is important to make sure that he/she carries certified licences to conduct business with the public. Check for information about licences and certifications in your country!
Financial advisors vs Financial planners Click para leer
The role of a financial planner is slightly different from the one of the financial advisor.
The financial planner is one particular type of financial advisor who specializes in helping companies and individuals create a program to meet long-term financial goals (Investopedia).
The main areas of expertise of a financial planner are: retirement, allocations, investments, estate planning and taxes. Also in this case, you should check that the planner has the right certifications.
independent financial advisors give unbiased advice about the whole range of financial products from all the different companies available;
restricted advisors give advice on a limited range of products. They may specialise in one area, for example pensions, or they may only offer advice on products offered by a limited number of companies (Citizens Advice).
Questions to choose the right financial advisor Click para leer
Is he/she a registered advisor qualified to provide financial advice?
How much is the price for his/her service? Is there an hourly fee? Or does he/she take a percentage of your total assets? Does he/she receive additional commission on your investments? Or is he/she a fee-only advisor?
What services does he/she include? Only investments management or also more advices on your finances?
How often will he/she be in touch and how?
What is his/her typical client?
What is his/her investment approach? Does he/she take risks to get a bigger gain? Or is he/she rather prudent?
A financial planner: a person working with clients to help them manage their money and reach their long-term financial goals by proposing a specific service (Investopedia).
Financial advisor: a person whose job is to provide financial advice to clients (Oxford Languages).
Financial risk: Financial risk is the potential losses incurred by an investor when investing in a business that uses borrowed money (Accounting Tools).
Investment: the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc. (Cambridge Dictionary).
Licence: an official document that gives you permission to own, do, or use something, usually after you have paid money and/or taken a test (Cambridge Dictionary).
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