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A Spotlight on Ethical and Sustainable Finance in Europe: Access the FLY Project’s Report on the OER Platform

The FLY Project, a co-funded initiative under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, is proud to announce the finalisation of Project Result 4 (PR4), with the development of the Report on Ethical and Sustainable Finance. This document marks a significant milestone in the project’s mission to enhance financial literacy and promote ethical and sustainable finance practices across Europe.

The FLY Project, which united a consortium of eight partners from five different countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, and Turkey), has been dedicated in offering materials and resources in five languages, making financial knowledge accessible to low-skilled adults, individuals of all age levels, and their families. The project’s core objectives included engaging low-skilled adults in acquiring basic financial knowledge, increasing financial awareness and self-reliance, and providing a guide for responsible money management with a focus on social and environmental impacts.

PR4 was the focal point of the last steps of the project, representing the culmination of our research and analysis efforts within the “Financial Literacy for Inclusion” initiative. The report serves as a comprehensive and original investigation aimed at advancing our understanding of ethical and sustainable finance in the European context.

Within the pages, readers will find valuable insights into the role of banking and finance, exploring the intricate relationship between social and ethical finance. It emphasises that finance, inherently neutral, can either generate negative externalities through speculative outcomes or promote positive externalities that lead to collective well-being.

The research report carries a dual objective:
•    To uncover the essence of ethical finance while conducting a ground-breaking comparison of ethical and sustainable banks across Europe
•    To underscore the significance of ethical awareness in financial matters and how the choices made by financial institutions can significantly influence various facets of the tangible economy

The FLY Project Consortium has undertaken an in-depth analysis of ethical and sustainable finance in Europe, focusing on several priorities, including:
•    Clarifying the meaning of ethical finance
•    Explaining the concept of sustainable finance
•    Creating a comprehensive map of distinctive ethical banks across Europe based on common criteria
•    Curating a collection of case studies and examples from Europe that highlight ethical and sustainable finance

In essence, the Report is a comprehensive exploration designed to enhance the understanding of ethical and sustainable finance in Europe. It brings together a wealth of insights and analysis to promote a deeper understanding of its implications and potential transformations.

The FLY Project Consortium invites all stakeholders, financial institutions, and individuals interested in ethical and sustainable finance to explore and utilise the insights contained within the Report on Ethical and Sustainable Finance. This report embodies our commitment to empower individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed, responsible financial decisions.

For more information and to access the complete Report, please visit the FLY Project website at: www.fly-project.eu/report

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